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When is it Time to Get Help for Your Addiction?

Addiction or substance use disorder is a problematic situation to admit, which makes it a significant problem. When a substance begins to create a negative impression on your life, it is best to review and reflect on the fact that it is becoming an addiction. The surest way to fight addiction is by accepting it as a problem. This is the hardest step; it takes years of struggle before reaching rock bottom or entering treatment to make a better change. Some may wonder when it is time to get help as an addict. Here are a few signs to notice.

You Have a Higher Tolerance to the Substance

Addiction starts from an experimental drug. The experiment takes off on occasional use and in small doses. Then it progresses to regular use resulting in a higher dose or frequent use to feel the effect. At this stage, your body becomes resistant to the effect, which is a sign of addiction. When the body becomes resistant to soft drugs like weed, they often lead to taking other powerful drugs. The increment can result in health problems, overdose, and long-term brain damage, especially in younger adults and teens. If you become tolerant to a drug and require higher doses, seek treatment immediately.

You Use Substances to Cope with Stress or Anxiety

Addiction is a coping mechanism for many people. They use it to deal with situations or emotions which cause them pain. Although it provides a coping mechanism, it also has a negative effect, as not all are created equal. Any coping mechanism that works temporarily leads to long-term negative consequences on health and relationship. Anxiety, stress, and depression are common mental health disorders. Many ways to manage these conditions include meditation, exercise, dieting, and support.

Your Physical and Mental Health is Declining

Addiction takes a toll on the body and mind by causing damage to the brain, heart, muscles, and nerves. Some also result in weight loss and malnourishment. If you experience a rapid weight drop when on a drug, seek treatment immediately before it becomes a mental health issue. Many people cope with mental problems by using substances. For example, using addiction as an excuse to cope with stress or anxiety causes a downward spiral by reducing the level at which you feel good while off drugs. If you are struggling with substance use and having depleting mental health, visit a specialist to tackle both conditions.

You Experience Distinct Mood Changes

People experience mood swings which are sudden and sometimes extreme. There are many reasons for mood swings that may result from nothing. When you face such a situation regularly, there is an underlying reason, like mental health, substance abuse, or sometimes both. Addiction creates a chemical change in the brain which can result in mood swings. Also, withdrawing from the substance can cause mood changes in a person. When you’re on or off substance use and having mood swings, it is best to check with the doctor for help.

Please call Sage Counseling and Coaching so YOU can get the support you deserve and need with a Recovery Coach.

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